Nurturing Bonds and Overcoming Obstacles During the Holiday Season

In the whirlwind of the holiday season, balancing life’s stressors while nurturing relationships can be particularly challenging. As a couples counselor, I often emphasize the importance of prioritizing your relationship during these bustling times. The holidays, while festive, can also amplify existing stress, making it crucial to consciously connect with your partner. Communicate Openly and […]

Laughing at Your Partner’s Pet Peeves: A Summertime Challenge

Pet Peeves—what are those small things that your partner does that bother the heck out of you? Leaving the drawers open, leaving clothes on the floor, leaving dishes lying around, not paying bills on time, or chewing with their mouth open? We all have pet peeves that we wish we could control in others. What […]

A Letter From Dr. Reshelle C Marino

Are you a parent that has concerns about your child’s performance in school? Do you wish your child’s school could do more to help your child succeed? Do you feel like your child only has problems at school but you don’t know what to do about it? Do you find it a challenge to communicate […]